V-ic Science

Preparat, blandat, 50st i plastlåda


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Preparatserie om 25 objektglas med prover från djur och växtriket. Passar bra i biologi- och naturkunskapsundervisning.Rekomenderad förstoring 400x (1000x behövs för bakterierna). Lådan innehåller: * Corn root tip, l.s. * Young root of broad bean, c.s. * Terminal bud of Hydrilla verticillata, l.s. * Pumpkin stem, c.s. * Pumpkin stem, l.s. * Monocot stem, corn, c.s. * Dicot stem, sunflower, c.s. * Woody dicot stem, linden, c.s. * Dicot leaf, c.s. * Lower epidermis of broad bean, w.m. showing stoma * Penicillium, w.m. * Actinomyces, w.m. * Chlamydomonas, w.m. * Three types of bacteria, smear * Yeast, w.m. * Paramecium, w.m. * Earthworm, c.s. * Frog embryo, cleavage stage, sec. * Frog blastula, sec. * Pine leaf, c.s. * Endosperm of Diospyros, sec. showing plasmodesma * Spirogyra conjugation, w.m. * Lichen, sec. * Fern leaf, sec. * Fern prothallium, w.m. * Germinating pollen of Amaryllis vittata, w.m. * Leaf of winter jasmine, c.s. * Dense connective tissue, rabbit Achilles tendon, sec. * Human blood, smear * Skeletal muscle, dog diaphragm, l.s.c.s. * Teased smooth muscle, frog, w.m. * Human cardiac muscle, sec. * Motor neurons, ox, w.m. * Spinal cord, rabbit, c.s. * Wall of stomach, dog, sec. * Kidney, mice, l.s. * Artery and vein, rabbit, c.s. * Small intestine, dog, sec. * Ciliated epithelium, frog palatine mucosa, sec. * Lymph node, rabbit, sec. * Kidney with blood vessels injected, rat, sec. * Taste buds, rabbit, sec. * Tongue, l.s. * Human testis, sec. * Human sperm, smear * Aspergillus, w.m. * Mushroom, Coprinus, sec. * Corn seed, l.s. * Onion epidermis, w.m. * Woody dicot stem c.s. perennial

Kategori: Färdigapreparat
Artikelnummer: 50682ee497f9418abe50527f9fd383b4